Replies from NDL: Compilation from previous months

Dear Naked Dancing Llama:

Hello. My name is Dana and I am a postal worker in Augusta, Maine. I have been having very disturbing thoughts lately and may go over the edge in regards to other postal workers. ie. I may kill them all. Is there anything I can do to curb my urges?

Sincerely, On Edge in Maine

Via Llama translator On edge:

It sounds like you are under too much stress. Instead of killing your fellow workers, you may want to find a relaxing stress releaving hobby. For me, I find licking blocks of salt and scratching my butt against a wall work very well. But to each their own.



Dear Naked Dancing Llama:

I am a student at the University of California, San Diego. I think I need some of your llama advice. I have been wandering from major to major for years now, and I'm afraid of never finding out what I truly want to do with my life. My girlfriend left me cause I have been so depressed lately. Any ideas?


Frustrated on the Bay

Via llama translator: Dear Frustrated: I went through this phase too. When I was about 3, I couldn't decide which was my favorite kind of peanut. The Grand Master Llama approached me and said, close your eyes and sniff. So I did. And I smelled the macadamia nuts. And so then I just knew. So my advice to you is close your eyes and sniff. And if it smells good, there you go.



DearNaked Whatever,

What the hell is this? What the hell is a naked dancing llama?


Via llama translator:

Dear Bill:

This is a question and answer column. I am a naked dancing llama.




If a train leaves Sescatuan going 213 miles per hour and another train leaves Freeport going 150 miles an hour in the opposite direction, where will they meat if the sun is in the seventh house?


Dear Cherly:

Llamas can't count.



Dear naked Dancing llama:

Are you a boy or a girl llama?


Dear Frank:

Um...well..I used to be a boy llama. We will leave it at that.


Dear Naked Dancing Llama:

I don't get it. Why would I want to bring my problems to a llama?


Dear Ralph:

I am cheaper than psychotherapy and I also lick people's faces.


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