Christopher Feyrer's Journal


Wedding song complete

Filed under: — Christopher Feyrer @ 6:39 am

I finished up my song for Jamie for the wedding. It’s ending up being short and to the point, but I put work into it and I feel it is well composed. Interestingly, Jamie had to bug me to get it done, as my initial motivation was to get some sleep after a very long day at work (database crash and recovery day, never a fun thing). Still, after I wandered into bed at midnight I realized that having someone there to motivate me to create is a very good thing, and now everyone will be able to enjoy the composition when it premieres at the wedding. Chalk it up as another reason for me to love my wife-to-be.



Warming up the studio

Filed under: — Christopher Feyrer @ 4:09 pm

Well, I now have a fully functional recording studio at home again finally. When I compose in the studio, I usually write a piece of dynamic music that can play in the background while I prepare the equipment to record whatever song I’m working on. And then, after I tire of one version of my warm up song, I make another one, and it gradually becomes more and more elaborate. It also gives me the opportunity to experiment with minimalistic themes ala Michael Nyman. The first song I did this with was “Deep Blue", of which there are now about 30 versions! For the new home studio I’ve started with a song called “That Thang” which I’ve shared below. Enjoy!

If you are using Mozilla Firefox you will need to press “stop” on both tracks as it does not yet support turning off autoplay. Sorry for the annoyance.
That Thang V.2

That Thang V.3

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.


Major link overhall today.

Filed under: — Christopher Feyrer @ 6:27 pm

With my wedding only a week and a day away, I needed to do something to calm my nerves. So, I created a nice list of links that you will find to the right. Enjoy!



Fahrenheit 9/11

Filed under: — Christopher Feyrer @ 9:10 pm

Go see it. Today.


Wedding countdown

Filed under: — Christopher Feyrer @ 9:24 am

Six weeks until the big day!

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